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9 Macam Kata Depan (Preposition) Menurut Kategori Preposition Of Movement

9 Macam Kata Depan (Preposition) Menurut Kategori Preposition Of
9 Macam Kata Depan (Preposition) Menurut Kategori Preposition Of

Sembilan Macam Kata Depan (Preposition) Berdasarkan Kategori Preposition Of Movement

 Berdasarkan Kategori Preposition Of Movement 9 Macam Kata Depan (Preposition) Berdasarkan Kategori Preposition Of Movement

Ada sembilan macam kata depan atau preposition yang berkaitan dengan kategori kata depan perpindahan atau pergerakan dalam bahasa inggris, atau dengan kata lain preposition of movement.

Dibawah ini ialah sembilan macam kata depan (preposition) menurut kategori preposition of movement berikut klarifikasi dan teladan – teladan kalimat nya.


Sembilan Contoh Kata Depan (Preposition) Berdasarkan Kategori Preposition Of Movement Yang Umum Digunakan


  1. To : untuk

To dipakai dikala ada tujuan tertentu dalam suatu pandangan gres atau pikiran. Tujuan-tujuan tersebut sanggup terbagi menjadi beberapa hal.

A place : tempat

Contoh :

– I’m going to the doctor’s.

– Can you direct me to the nearest post office?

An event : kejadian/peristiwa

Contoh :

– Are you going to the party?

– I have never been to a concert.

A person : orang

Contoh :

– She came up to me.

– I go to my father for advice.

A position : posisi

Contoh :

– The bathroom is to your left.

– Keep to the left.


  1. Towards : menuju

Contoh :

– He was walking menacingly towards me.


  1. Through : melalui / lewat

Contoh :

– The train went through the tunnel.

– He cut through the gauze.


  1. Into : ke / kedalam

Contoh :

– He got into the car.

– He swerved into the tree.


  1. Across : di / diseberang / melewati

Contoh :

– He walked across the road.

– He strode across the bridge.

– There was a barricade across the road.

– We went to the restaurant across the road.


  1. Over : diatas /meliputi

Kata over digunakan untuk menggambarkan posisi sesuatu dikala berada di atas sesuatu yang lain

Contoh :

– The bottle is in the cabinet over the sink in the kitchen.

Selain itu Kata over juga dipakai untuk menggambarkan posisi sesuatu dikala itu mencakup permukaan

Contoh :

– A white cloth had been spread over the corpse.


  1. Along : sepanjang

Contoh :

– We walked along the river.

– He lived in one of the houses along the river.


  1. In : di / didalam

Contoh :

– We are going to have our picnic in the park.

– I left my car in the garage.

– Put the pickle in the cabinet.


  1. On : di / diatas

Contoh :

– There was an array of food on the table.

– The rain falling on the roof kept me from sleeping.

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