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4 Referensi Kisah Anak Yang Gampang Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris

4 Referensi Kisah Anak Yang Gampang Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris
4 Referensi Kisah Anak Yang Gampang Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris

4 Contoh Dongeng Anak Sederhana Dan Praktis Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris

 Contoh Dongeng Anak Sederhana Dan Praktis Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris 4 Contoh Dongeng Anak Yang Praktis Dipahami Dalam Bahasa Inggris


The Cat and the Fox

Once a Cat and a Fox were traveling together. As they went along, picking up provisions on the way — a stray mouse here, a fat chicken there — they began an argument to while away the time between bites. And, as usually happens when comrades argue, the talk began to get personal.

“You think you are extremely clever, don’t you?” said the Fox. “Do you pretend to know more than I? Why, I know a whole sacksful of tricks!”

“Well,” retorted the Cat, “I admit I know one trick only, but that one, let me tell you, is worth a thousand of yours!”

Just then, close by, they heard a hunter’s horn and the yelping of a pack of hounds. In an instant the Cat was up a tree, hiding among the leaves.

“This is my trick,” he called to the Fox. “Now let me see what yours are worth.”

But the Fox had so many plans for escape he could not decide which one to try first. He dodged here and there with the hounds at his heels. He doubled on his tracks, he ran at top speed, he entered a dozen burrows, but all in vain. The hounds caught him, and soon put an end to the boaster and all his tricks.


Fox and The Eagle

The pact was made between the cunning fox and eagle. It was decided that the eagle will fly and track preys sleeping in their house while the fox will come and kill them. The meats will be shared equally between the two. It became easier for both now to have wholesome diet everyday until fox thought, he need to have more share as it is him who is actually making more efforts in killing the preys.

Next time when the eagle tracked a prey, fox refused to kill and asked eagle to first promise that he will be happy with whatever share fox gives him. Eagle unwillingly accepted. Henceforth, whenever a prey was trapped fox used to have the entire meat and leave little for the eagle.

The unsatisfied eagle now planned to teach a lesson to the fox. One day he saw a trap, made by poachers to catch elephant. The 20 feet deep trench was covered with grasses. The eagle as usual came to fox and said there lays 3 fat rabbits sleeping under the grass. The fox with water in his mouth rushed towards the said place and fall into the trench.


The Koala & The Kangaroo

On the first sunny day of summer Lulu the grey and cute koala and Bella the jumpy and brown kangaroo had a nice sip at the cool, blue river.

“Hey Lulu. Do you want to go on a race?”, asked Bella. “Okay”, said Lulu with a certain feeling she would lose.

So they ran the race and of course fast Bella won and Lulu was right for once.

About an hour later Bella shouted at the top of her voice, “Let’s see who can touch the top of that tree first”.

“Okay, but only if you don’t cheat”, said Lulu. “I promise”, said Bella.

Because Lulu was so determined, she climbed to the top faster than Bella could run. Lulu was so happy that she closed her eyes while she jumped down the tree saying “Yippy!”


The Sick Lion

A Lion, unable from old age and infirmities to provide himself with food by force, resolved to do so by artifice. He returned to his den, and lying down there, pretended to be sick, taking care that his sickness should be publicly known.

The beasts expressed their sorrow, and came one by one to his den, where the Lion devoured them.

After many of the beasts had thus disappeared, the Fox discovered the trick and presenting himself to the Lion, stood on the outside of the cave, at a respectful distance, and asked him how he was. “I am very middling,” replied the Lion, “but why do you stand without? Pray enter within to talk with me.” “No, thank you,” said the Fox. “I notice that there are many prints of feet entering your cave, but I see no trace of any returning.”

Demikian bahan pada kesempatan kali ini mengenai 4 referensi kisah anak sederhana dan gampang dipahami dalam bahasa inggris .

Semoga sanggup membantu dan bermanfaat bagi sobat IBI (

Thank you for attention …


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